Phil George Painter

Phil-George-PainterPhil George Painter is an acclaimed northern artist whose work continues to be eagerly snapped up by admirers and art aficionados, who recognise the ‘investment potential’ owning a Phil George Painting will have in the future. Phil is currently enjoying great commercial success and his paintings of everyday northern scenes are a nostalgic nod to the sights and sounds of the past. They bring to life an era that has long since ceased to exist.

As a born and bred North East painter, Phil George’s early paintings took inspiration from the harsh, vivid landscape from his childhood environment, which was dominated by the shipyards of Wallsend and the houses and community that served the industry. Paintings from this period feature the shipyards and their workers and the pubs and terraced houses in the surrounding areas. He currently lives in Wakefield and now concentrates on painting typical northern scenes, many of which are populated with hundreds of figures.

Phil George Painter’s work is now widely collected throughout the UK, many of his paintings convey the grittiness of northern life but are also full of warmth and humour. He has recently produced paintings of Manchester, Blackpool, Whitby, York and London. New works sell immediately and many collectors are now commissioning him to paint particular subjects.

Some of Phil’s work is currently being shown as part of an exhibition being held by Cheshire based renowned modern British art promoter and L.S. Lowry specialist Clark Art Gallery.The Winter Exhibition 2014/15 at gallery runs until the 28th February and features paintings and drawings from the gallery’s favourite artists.

For more information, call Clark Art Gallery on 0161 929 5150 or visit their website